Project information

  • Category: Desktop application
  • Project date: April, 2014

Conconi-Test for Concept2 PM3/4

This is an automated implementation of Conconi-Test, adapted for the indoor rowing Concept2 ergometers by Thomas Thallmair of MRSV. The installation package can be downloaded here.

System requirements

  • Windows XP/Vista/7
  • Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 (download)
  • Concept2 equipped with PM3 or PM4 Monitor
  • Breast belt, compatible with the PM Monitor
  • Appropriate USB-Cable


Before starting the application, please ensure the PM Monitor is connected to your PC via USB-Cable.

To start a new test, go to File -> New test.... In the parameter mask enter the initial power, power increment for the subsequent intervals and the duration in seconds for the first interval.

Parameter form

After setting up the test parameters you will see the following screen:

Start screen

It shows the remaining time of the current interval, target power, average actual power and your current heart rate.

The test starts with the first stroke. Each finished interval is logged in the table below, with the average actual power and the average heart rate (last 10 seconds).

Running test

When the power of the recent three strokes drops below 100 watts, the test switches automatically to the rest mode (intervals at 60 watts à 60 seconds). However, this data has no impact on any evaluations.

The test finishes when the collected data is saved to disk via File -> Save test.... The results can be visualised in the evaluation screen (Evaluation -> Evaluate current test...), and the exercise zones for the specified resting heart rate calculated.


Also the saved test data can be opened for re-evaluation (Evaluation -> Open for evaluation...)